Your Sun Number is a single-digit number derived from your month and date of birth that ties you directly into all the yearly, monthly and daily cycles. Your Sun Number is easy to calculate and never changes. Simply add your month and day of birth, and reduce to a single digit.
For example, if you were born June 25, add 6 (for June) and 25, is 31. Reduce 31 by adding 3 and 1 to find the Sun Number 4. If you were born September 19, add 9 + 19 = 28. Reduce 28, 2+8 = 10 then reduce again to just a signal digit 1+0 = Sun Number 1.
For example, if you were born June 25, add 6 (for June) and 25, is 31. Reduce 31 by adding 3 and 1 to find the Sun Number 4. If you were born September 19, add 9 + 19 = 28. Reduce 28, 2+8 = 10 then reduce again to just a signal digit 1+0 = Sun Number 1.